Tuesday, August 25, 2020



Apoorva Hospital, pal Surat is offering their patient a complete home isolation care package at very reasonable price of only Rs 499/ day.

Moreover, many health insurance policies (Mediclaim) are also claimed for home based isolation care.

Contact us for more detail:

101, Siddhgiri residency, Opp vaishnodevi lifestyle, Near Nishal Circle, Pal.
 For Location on maps : Click APOORVA HOSPITAL
 Call on                           : Click 9427 98 9427
 Follow on                      : Click Facebook
 Message Apoorva Hospital on 
Whats App


1. You must agree to completely follow home isolation care guidelines as advised by our treating physician.

2. You should have been clinically assigned as a very mild/pre-symptomatic/asymptomatic case by treating medical doctor based upon your reports.

3. One should have the requisite facility at my residence for self-isolation and also for quarantining the family contacts.
4. Patients suffering from immune compromised status (HIV, Transplant recipients, Cancer therapy etc) are not eligible for home isolation. 

5. Elderly patients aged more than 60 years and those with co-morbid conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart disease, Chronic lung/liver/ kidney disease, Cerebro-vascular disease etc shall only be allowed home isolation after proper evaluation by our treating medical officer. 

6. A care giver should be available to provide care on 24 x7 basis. A communication link between the caregiver and hospital is a prerequisite for the entire duration of home isolation. 

7. You should download Arogya Setu App on mobile (available at: https://www.mygov.in/aarogya-setuapp/) and it should remain active at all times (through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) 

8. The patient shall agree to monitor his health and regularly inform his health status to treating doctor who will facilitate further follow up. 

9. Home isolation for covid package is only refundable upto 7 days of enrollment ( 40% of total deposit ( Rs 6986) will be given as refund). After 7 days of enrollment, this care is non refundable by Hospital.

10. Laboratory, Ambulance, Medicines charges are all exclusive of home isolation care package.

11. Any health insurance policy is subject to claim (if falling under diagnosis criteria and other terms and condition), but we can not guaranty for claims. That terms and condition will be as per policy company.  We will help in form filling and giving other necessary documents (like monitoring sheets, treatment sheet, hospital bill, Prescription, etc..)

Friday, July 31, 2020

Terms and condition of covid home isolation care package - Apoorva hospital

By submitting this form, we are agree to following these terms:

1. We will completely follow home isolation care guidelines as advised by our treating physician.

2. I have been clinically assigned as a very mild/pre-symptomatic/asymptomatic case by my treating medical doctor based upon my reports.

3.I know that, I / my family should have the requisite facility at my residence for self-isolation and also for quarantining the family contacts.
4. I know that, Patients suffering from immune compromised status (HIV, Transplant recipients, Cancer therapy etc) are not eligible for home isolation. 

5. I know that, Elderly patients aged more than 60 years and those with co-morbid conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart disease, Chronic lung/liver/ kidney disease, Cerebro-vascular disease etc shall only be allowed home isolation after proper evaluation by our treating medical officer. 

6. A care giver should be available to provide care on 24 x7 basis. A communication link between the caregiver and hospital is a prerequisite for the entire duration of home isolation. 

7.  I know that, The care giver and all close contacts of such cases should take Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as per protocol and as prescribed by the treating medical officer. 

8. I shall download Arogya Setu App on mobile (available at: https://www.mygov.in/aarogya-setuapp/) and it should remain active at all times (through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) 

9. The patient shall agree to monitor his health and regularly inform his health status to treating doctor who will facilitate further follow up. 

10. The patient will fill in an undertaking on self-isolation (Annexure I) and shall follow home quarantine guidelines. The treating doctor should satisfy himself before allowing home isolation. 

11. In addition to the guidelines on home-quarantine available at: https://www.mohfw.gov.in/pdf/Guidelinesforhomequarantine.pdf, the required instructions for the care giver and the patient as in Annexure II shall be also followed.

12. Whole payment has to be done before starting home isolation care.

13. Home isolation for covid package is only refundable upto 7 days of enrollment ( 40% of total deposit ( Rs 6986) will be given as refund). After 7 days of enrollment, this care is non refundable by Hospital.

14. Laboratory, Ambulance, Medicines charges are all exclusive of home isolation care package.

15. Any health insurance policy is subject to claim (if falling under diagnosis criteria and other terms and condition), but we can not guaranty for claims. That terms and condition will be as per policy company.  We will help in form filling and giving other necessary documents (like monitoring sheets, treatment sheet, hospital bill, Prescription, etc..)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Apoorva Hospital

We have resumed General OPD & started  Pediatric OPD & VACCINATION services at APOORVA HOSPITAL.


Brief information on Apoorva Hospital: Established in 1993, Apoorva Hospital was initially serving in Kheralu taluka of Mahesana district. It has catered valuable & low cost services to citizen of kheralu and its surrounding 180 small villages. Owner Dr Bharatbhai Shah (MBBS) is serving his patients effortlessly since 1989 ( more than 30 years). He was past president of IMA wing of Kheralu- Vadnagar- Satalasana. After doing wonderful humanity work there for around 30 years, he shifted Apoorva Hospital to Pal, Surat. Since Jan 2018, Apoorva Hospital is serving peoples of Pal, adajan, City light area, Bhatar, Goddod road, rander, bhattha, Hazira and many more. We are happy to serve you in this difficult time of Covid-19 pandemic with added safety measures.

Along with previous services, we are happy to announce that:

Now Pediatrician Dr Apoorva Bharatbhai Shah (MD ped, Fellow NNF) is also available Monday to Saturday 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Vaccination services are also available. Prior appointment on9712999066 is mandatory.

Senior physician & Surgeon Dr Bharatbhai Shah  (MBBS) is also available for General and Senior citizen OPD daily in morning from 10:30 to 1:00 PM. Prior appointment on 9427 98 9427 is mandatory.

Dietitian & Nutritionist Noopur Apoorva Shah (Board certified dietitian) is also available on Wednesday & Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 PM with prior appointment on 8200148923. 
Interest: Weight loss & gain, Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Obesity, thyroid, Pregnancy and lactational counselling.

Daily morning full body heath check up at your doorstep (sample collection at home) is also resumed with added safety measures. Our associate technician will be taking utmost precautions to halt spread of Corona Virus. Alternatively you also can come at our hospital for sample collection.

After full body health check up of complete blood profile, we are giving option for preventive health counselling by Dr Bharat Shah & Noopur Shah ( Dietitian & Nutritionist) either face to face or by telephonic talk for your convenience.

In current pandemic of Covid-19, we urge to our patients to take care of following
  • Always wear full mask to cover nose & mouth while coming to OPD
  • Take prior appointment
  • Only 1 relative is allowed
  • Social distancing with staff & doctor